What are anal glands?
The anal glands, or anal sacs, are two small glands ranging from about the size of a pea to the size of a grape. Their openings are located just inside the anus and are positioned at about 4:00 and 8:00.
They contain a strong-smelling liquid used for marking territory. Healthy anal glands empty when your pet defecates.
Symptoms of anal gland problems:
If your pets anal glands fill excessivley and they have trouble expressing them naturally you may see the following symptoms:
- Scooting and discomfort of the rear end
- Excessive licking of the anal area and hind end
- Straining with bowel motion
- A foul (fishy) odor
- Leaking of anal gland fluid
- Bleeding and/or swelling near the anal region
Common causes:
- Pet obesity
- Insufficient dietary fiber
- Small soft or loose stools
- Food and/or environmental allergies
- Genetics or anatomy
When to see a vet
Anal gland problems if left without being checked, can become infected, this can lead to a painful anal gland abscess. An anal gland abscess may present as a large lump or red swelling beneath your pet's tail or if it has ruptured, you may see bleeding and puss coming from the area.
Seek veterinary help immediately.
How we can help
Some pets require regular anal gland expression to prevent problems. This is usually recommended every 4-6 weeks. My Vet Nurse can express your pets glands in the comfort of your own home with no stressful vet visit or car trip. This service is particularly beneficial for pets requiring regular expression. Less stress for you and your pet!
Our prices include all travel fees to your home.
Please contact us if you have any questions, we are happy to help!